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Meet Lauren Cushing & Pembroke Farmers Market Vendor, Cushing Farm!


Updated: Mar 4, 2024

Personal introduction.

Chick and I [Lauren Cushing] were immediately drawn to Pembroke more than 22 years ago! We loved the Town Center; houses had land; lots of open space; and huge, beautiful recreational ponds. We knew we wanted to start our family here and bought our first house on Mattakeesett St. in 2001. We have 3 children: Emma, Adam and Mark. 

In late 2018, we found our dream home on Center St. The funny thing is we had been driving by it everyday for 17 years! We quickly learned we weren’t the first Cushing’s to own the house. During the 1700’s a long lost relative, Nehemiah Cushing, also lived there. Since then, we have been actively involved in the Pembroke Historical Society.

What made you and your family get into gardening?

Once in our “new” home, we decided to increase our farming and gardening skills. Our goal was to be able to eat food from our garden/farm year round. We added some chickens for eggs, and then started drawing out a garden. Goats came next, and we hoped that they would clear more of the brush so the garden size could grow. And once the chickens started laying eggs, we quickly had a surplus. To help offset the feed costs, we started selling our eggs. We then did the same with our vegetables. We got better at growing, and then decided to offer vegetables for sale as well. 

At the same time, we were learning from Joe, Chick’s dad, as he was growing tomatoes, peppers and squash at his home in Braintree. He used wood chips to help the garden retain water, and used compost with the soil. The key to a successful garden is how you prepare the land! 

How did you expand your knowledge on gardening?

We have found a great deal of gardening inspiration - and entertainment - from these resources:

Once we decided to get “serious” about growing and selling, we did an online class about market gardening put on by Jean Martin-Fortier.

When Covid hit, it became evident that gardening wasn’t just a hobby anymore. We saw the supply chain fall apart and realized how insecure our food delivery systems were. Working together as a family to create Cushing Farm has taught us important life lessons and sustainability.  

So, here we are! Trying to grow good healthy food for our family and yours, and learning as we go. We are adamant about avoiding chemicals and incorporating as many natural methods as we can in our garden. We hope to help break down the disconnect of what food actually looks and tastes like when it’s grown locally.

What can the Pembroke community expect to see from Cushing Farm at the Farmers Market?

We are very excited to be an anchor vendor at Pembroke’s Farmers Market. On June 8, 2024 - the market kick-off date at the new Pembroke Community Center in town - you can expect to see Cushing Farm offering the following: radish, kale and bush beans. We will have plant starts as well.For herbs, we will have: basil, rosemary, thyme and cilantro. Finally, we will have flower/plant starts that also offer a natural mosquito deterrent such as: marigolds, sunflowers, lavender, lemon grass and catmint.

As we get further into Spring and Summer, we will have tomatoes, zucchini, summer squash, beets, cucumbers. And, later in the season, we will have winter squash and pumpkins.

Can you share one of your favorite recipes that you make from your own garden?

We love making these pickles from our very own cucumbers. The great thing about this recipe is that you can re-use the pickling recipe with a variety of other vegetables too, from green beans to beets!

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